The Virtue of al-Madīnah and the Etiquettes of Residing in and Visiting the City

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Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbad al-Badr | Islamic Reminder Publications

By the Grace of Allah, the Most High and Mighty, Islamic Reminders Publications is delighted to present this valuable book authored by our beloved scholar al-Allamah ash-Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-‘Abbād al-Badr to the public. This treatise informs the reader of various virtues of the great city of al-Madīnah along with several rulings related to visiting and residing in the city. Although small in size, it is filled with tremendous knowledge and guidance for all Muslims, especially those who plan to visit this great city of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Furthermore, it contains detailed clarification of many misconceptions and false beliefs held by many Muslims. The author refutes those misconceptions with solid evidence and proof so that believers can visit this city in accordance with the authentic legislation of Islam and avoid actions that are legislated in the religion.

We encourage all Muslims to read and benefit from this work, and we ask Allah, the Most High, to bless our beloved Shaykh and his family, and place this work or the scale of his good deeds on the Day of Judgement.