The impact of sexually transmitted diseases upon marriage (Authenthic Statements)

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Shaykh Dr. ʻAbdullāh al-Tayyār examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious and genetic diseases, and their effect upon marriage, fertility, and children.

He tackles important, yet rarely discussed, topics, such as:

· the pros and cons of mandating medical examination before marriage.

· testing for genetic disorders that can cause miscarriage.

· marriage to someone with an infectious disease.

· marriage when both spouses have an infectious disease.

· intimacy with a spouse who has an infectious disease.

· pregnancy of a woman who has an infectious disease.

· conceiving children when the father has an infectious disease.

· abortion due to infectious disease.

· sustainability of marriage with an infectious disease.

· divorce due to infectious disease.

· a parent with an infectious disease raising a healthy child.