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Atlas Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (Darussalam) Original price was: €35.99.Current price is: €32.39. INCL. BTW

Tafsir Tafseer As Sadi 3rd edition 10 Volumes (NEW REVISED EDITION) – Full Tafsir As Sadi (IIPH)

Original price was: €239.99.Current price is: €209.99. INCL. BTW

For the first time in the English language, the complete translated version of the brilliant Tafseer As-Sa’di by Shaykh Abdur Rahman al-Sa’di (teacher of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen), rahimahumAllaah. An easy to read explanation for understanding the Quranic ayat and statements.



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Tafsir / Tafseer As-Sadi 10 Volumes published by IIPH

For the first time in the English language, the complete translated version of the brilliant Tafsir / Tafseer As-Sadi 10 Volumes by Shaykh Abdur Rahman al-Sa’di (teacher of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen), rahimahumAllaah published by IIPH

Tafsir / Tafseer as sadi is an easy to read explanation for understanding the Quranic ayat and statements. Next to that it is also articulate and eloquent. So for the ones that speak English well and what to get deeper insight in the meanings of the Quranic verses this Tafsir is a good choice.

The specialty of this Tafsir is regarding the style Sheikh Ibn Sadi used to clarify the ayat, so that it is similar to everyday writing. Tafsir / Tafseer As-Sadi is written in 10 books and each book is divided in 3 juz. First the Quran verses are written and afterwards their explanation.

Tafsir / Tafseer As-Sadi (Arabic title Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahmaan fi Tafseer Kalaam al-Mannaan) is a contemporary commentary on the Qur’an that is well known in the Arab world. Drawing on the classical heritage of Qur’anic exegesis, Shaykh as-Sa‘di focuses on highlighting the meanings of verses in a concise yet eloquent and clear style that is accessible to both the well-versed scholar and the ordinary reader. His style is to mention what he thinks is the correct interpretation, without referring to other views, except in cases where there is also strong evidence to support the other view. Both the scholar and the one just starting out their journey of tafseer are sure to benefit from this tremendous work, insha Allah!

About Sheikh as sadi

Sheikh Abdul-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sadi was a teacher who taught and wrote more than 40 books in aqeedah, fiqh and tafsir. In the field of tafsir, al-Sadi was quite influential. It is said that Tafsir or Tafseer As Sadi is arguably one of the most famous tafsirs written by recent salafi scholars.

Furthermore al-Sadi also was an islamic scholar. He served as the imam and khateeb for the largest jam and director of the religious school al-mahad al-ilmi of Unayza. The modern scholar sheikh ibn uthaymeen also studied under al-Sadi.

May Allah bless our beloved sheikhs and have mercy upon them. May Allah reward sheikh al-sadi for his work Tafsir as-sadi and all other books.

His Other Books

  1. Taysir al-Kareem al-Rahman, a tafsir of the entire Qur’an
  2. Taysir al-Lateef al-Mannaan, a thematic tafsir of selected portions of the Qur’an
  3. Qawa’id al-Hisan li-Tafsir al-Qur’an, a work on the principles of tafsir
  4. Al-Tawdheeh w’al-Bayan li-Shajarah al-Eemaan, a work of ‘aqeedah
  5. Mukhtasir al-Usool al-Fiqh, a work on the principles of fiqh
  6. Bahjah al-Quloob al-Abrar, an explanation of 99 comprehensive hadith statements
  7. Manhaj al-Salikeen, a work of fiqh
  8. Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran
  9. Tafsir As-Sadi(Parts 01,02,03) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran
  10. Tafsir / Tafseer As-Sadi 10 volume published by IIPH