Surah al-Mutaffifin It’s bearing on Manners and Purification of the Soul

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SKU: 9781898649663 @35.3 Categories: ,

Being one of the shorter chapters of the Qur’an and one that many Muslims young and old have committed to memory, this brief discourse highlights some of the important points of benefit that can be derived from the Words of Allah. The author brings relevant saying of the Prophet (*) and quotes from some of the famous scholars of exegesis of the Qur’an in order to clarify their meanings and to help the reader realise the true import of these verses in their lives.
“As a study of Surah al-Mutaffifin and its profound wisdoms and lessons, this book is intended as a reminder to the reader, a reminder about Allah and the Last Day. I ask Allah to benefit the people through this work and to make it a proof for me and not against me. Indeed, He is upon all things capable.

Pages: 32
ISBN: 1 898649 66 9

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