Learn The Beautiful Names Of Allaah (Utrujjah Press)

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'Abdur-Razzaaq Al-Badr





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Learn The Beautiful Names Of Allaah
A Summarized Explanation Of Allaah’s Beautiful names

Author: Dr. AbdurRazzaaq Abdul Muhsin Al-Badr
Published by: Utrujjah Press
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 191

This book explains over a hundred of Allaah’s Beautiful Names. Each chapter mentions one or two of Allaah’s Names and where they are found in the Qur’an and Sunnah. There is a brief explanation using some of the early scholars’ understanding of the Names.

“Understanding Allaah’s Beautiful Names is a noble branch of knowledge, in fact, it is the greatest understanding and the foundations upon which this religion is built. Due to this reason, there are many well-grounded proofs in the Noble Qur’an for this foundation. There is hardly an ayah in the Qur’an which does not mention Allaah’s Beautiful Names or His Lofty Attributes indicating the importance of this noble branch of knowledge and its great status, abundant good, and benefit.

It is a principle from the principles of faith and a cornerstone from the cornerstones of this religion. It is the basis of the religion of Islam upon which are built the lofty ranks and high status. How can a person’s affair be upright and their states be rectified without knowing their Originator, Creator, and Provider; and without knowing His Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes, His perfect descriptions indicating His Completeness, Honour and Might. He is the One to be worshipped in truth alone and nothing else has the right to be worshipped besides Him in truth. Unfortunately, the majority of people today are busy with what was created for them instead of that which they were created for.

There is no greater need that a servant has than his need to know his Lord, Creator, Supreme Sovereign, the One who manages his affairs and allocates his provisions. The One whom a person cannot do without even for the blinking of an eye. There is no rectification for them nor purification except by knowing Him, worshipping Him, and having faith in He who is removed from all imperfections alone. Due to this, a servant has a portion of rectitude and deserves praise in accordance to his knowledge of his Lord and his acting upon what pleases Him and brings him close to Him from speech and good deeds.”