Concise Scholarly Commentary on the Foundations of the Sunnah & the Creed of the Religion

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The Creed of the two Raazi Imaam: Abu Zur’ah Ar-Raazi (D. 264H) &  Abu Haatim Ar-Raazi (D. 277H) | Expln: Ahmad An-Najmī, Zaid Al-Madkhali, Rabi’ Al-Madkhali, Ubaid Al-Jabiri | Hikmah Publications

“I asked my father (d. 277H) and Abū Zur’ah (d. 264H) about the beliefs of the People of the Sunnah regarding the fundamentals of the Religion, and what they both found the scholars upon in all of the various lands, and what they believe as e relates to these affairs. So they responded, saying: We found the scholars in all of the various lands: Hijaz, Iraq, Egypt, Sham and Yemen, so their creed was…”