Advice Of The Salaf To The Youth (Hikmah Publications)

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Shaikh Abdul-Razzaaq Ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr | Hikmah Publications
It is not something ambiguous that the phase of youth is a very important stage in a person’s life. This is because it is the phase of strength, energy, easy activity, strong bodily limbs and soundness of the senses, whereas when the human grows old, his senses and strength weaken.

Islam has thus afforde special attention and tremendous care to this phase. The texts have come emphasizing the phenomenal status and importance of this life phase, and our Prophet encouraged with hastening to take advantage of it while exercising caution against wasting it.

The advice of the Salaf for the youth and their concern for this phase is very abundant. In this treatise, Advice of The Salaf To the Youth, the author has selected a group of them along with a simple commentary on each advice.