A Clarification on the Reasons for Earthquakes and a Refutation of the Astray Atheists

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Imam Muqbil ibn Haadi | Umm Abdir-Rahmaan | Utrujjah Press

This book is a translation of Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waad’iee’s treatise followed by a compilation of related content from the Qur’aan and sunnah.

Quotes from the books:

“When an earthquake happened in Dhimaar (Yemen), the people of knowledge said that it was what was established for us in the Book; and those people of ignorance and deviation said that it occurred due to ‘Nature’. For this reason, I have gathered together some speeches and have compiled them into a treatise to destroy those who will be destroyed by proof and make live those who will be made alive by proof. Indeed, those who say that it (the earthquake) is due to ‘nature’ render futile Allaah’s retribution for His allies.”

“And they denied him (Prophet Shu’aib); so the earthquake seized them, and they lay (dead), prostrate in their dwellings.”
[Soorah Al Ankaboot 29:37]

Zainab bint Jahsh رضي الله عنها said,

“…O Allaah’s Messenger! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons amongst us?” He said, “Yes, when ‘Al khabath’ (evil persons, illegal sexual intercourse, illegitimate children and all kinds of evil deeds) will increase.”

Bukhaaree no. 3346 and Book of Fitan, no. 7059

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